What is the Monoatomic Gold?

About Monoatomic Gold

Unique Single Atom

Monoatomic Gold is a very unique gold that has a single atom with a highly unusual chemical structure.

Monoatomic gold, also known as ORMUS/ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), which is a term used to describe a form of gold that purportedly exists in a monoatomic state, meaning that the gold atoms exist singularly rather than in clusters or metallic form.

Monoatomic Gold refers to gold that has been reduced to its most fundamental state, where individual gold atoms are isolated from each other. This means that the gold is not bonded to other gold atoms, creating a lattice structure, but rather exists as individual atoms, free to move and interact with their surroundings.

Colloidal Gold, the Nanoparticles are consisted of just a single atom and which are extremely small particles with a diameter of 1 to 2 nanometers or less that exist in the form of monoatomic molecules, and differ in shape and behavior than common metals.

Monoatomic Gold has excellent remarkable properties as a catalyst, also attracted attention as an electronic and optical material.

It has been reported to exhibit superconductivity at relatively high temperatures, making it a promising material for applications like quantum computing and energy storage.

The production of Monoatomic Gold is limited to small quantities, making it difficult to scale up for commercial and industrial applications.

Research is now underway in a variety of which, from electronics, quantum computer, nanotechnology, biomedicine, beauty, energy industry to quantum mechanics.

Historical Background

Overview in various

Key Figure and Research

An important figure in the modern discovery and popularization of Monoatomic gold is David Hudson, a farmer and researcher who, in the 1970s, began to explore the properties of a substance. in the 90s, He claimed to have discovered a method for producing and using monoatomic elements. Hudson asserted that he found monoatomic gold and other elements, which he referred to as “ORMUS”. He claimed these substances could improve mental clarity, physical health and spiritual abilities, also exhibited unique physical and metaphysical properties.

Monoatomic Gold, often referred to in various forms of alternative medicine and metaphysical practices.

The concept has gained popularity in modern times, particularly within the realms of holistic health, spiritual wellness, and fringe science.

The existence of mysterious gold is described by changing the name in various history.

Fascinating Stories

  • Alchemy and Mysticism: Throughout history, gold has been associated with healing, spiritual enlightenment, and transformation. Ancient alchemists sought the philosopher's stone known as "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone", a substance that could transform base metals into gold, and they often believed that gold had special healing properties.
  • Egyptian Culture: In ancient Egypt, gold was revered and used extensively in burial artifacts, particularly for pharaohs. There are also claims that the Egyptians valued monoatomic gold for its supposed ability to enhance consciousness and facilitate communication with the divine. Many advocates of monoatomic gold link it to ancient Egyptian alchemy and other spiritual traditions, suggesting that it has the potential to enhance human consciousness and facilitate a spiritual awakening.
  • Biblical References: Some proponents cite ancient texts that suggest the use of gold in spiritual practices.
  • Legendary Atlantis: A metal of flames, it is a substance with a mysterious property of emitting unique energy called as "Orichalcum".

Old Testament - Exodus

In the Old Testament, when Israelites go out from Egypt, Moses gives those who were suffering from hunger to the sacred food "Mana" made with white powder and make them healthy.

32: 1 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him”

32: 2 Aaron answered them, “Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.”

32: 3 So all the people took off their earrings and brought them to Aaron.

32: 4 He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.”

32:20 And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.

32:23 They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.’

32:24 So I told them, ‘Whoever has any gold jewelry, take it off.’ Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!”

Nicolas Flamel

He was born in 1330, is a famous alchemist who made the "Philosopher's Stone" (Stone of Sage).

In Flamel's alchemy thesis, mercury and sulfur, various metals are melted in the furnace fire and distilled to proceed with work then the substance changed to black, gray white, green, white, orange and finally became rosy purple stone like poppy flower.

And after all, the philosopher's stone was completed.

the afternoon of January 17, 1382, Flamel began making gold by the philosopher's stone.

In front of his wife, He made the same amount of golden gold as mercury just by throwing the same amount of the philosopher's stone into mercury and he repeated the same thing in the night.

According to the confession of himself, he said that three times in all he converted mercury to gold with the philosopher's stone.

Monoatomic Gold in Japan

Related to the Imperial Family

A mysterious metal appears in the "Takeuchi documents" which Takeuchi Sukune, a Takeuchi family who served the Emperor has been told as an oral message.

It is similar to the flickering of the flames but vermillion, never rusting metal.
Specific gravity is lighter than gold, its pure substance is softer than iron, a legendary metal that becomes harder than platinum when alloyed.

It is said to be "Hihiirokane" which was mined at Mt.Kakakono also said that Apoitakara refers to Hihiirokane.

When boiling water with a pot made with the Hihiirokane, hot water boils with just several leaves by the pot.

In ancient Japan (before the age of Emperor Jinmu = Ugaya dynasty), it was used as a common metal like the current iron and copper.

Particularly good as an alloy is said to had been used as a material for sacred treasures.

And "the Three Sacred Treasures" (Mirror, Sword and Jewels) are made of Hihiirokane

the Three Sacred Treasures which the emperor currently holds are below

・Ame no murakumo no tsurugi or Kusanagi no tsurugi / Heavenly Gathering of Clouds Sword

・Yasakani no magatama / string of jewel

・Yatano kagami" or Mafutsu no kagami / the Eight-Span Mirror

It is said that the mirror is placed in very famous shrine Ise Jingu (Mie Prefecture, Japan)

"Ise Jingu" worship the Sun's God "Amaterasu" and the Moon's God "Toyouke".

Japanese ancient myth is very interesting because the beginning of the world and the future are described.

also about "Jesus Christ", "Maria", "Mary Magdalene", "Adam", "Eva" and "Lilith"...

A Structure of Monoatomic Gold

Totally different with common gold

The "monoatomic" states of gold and some other transition elements.

For different transition elements there is a critical number of atoms in this form.

The critical number for gold is two.

The BSM analysis unveils the possible configuration of "monoatomic" gold as a structure of two gold atom connected by single quantum orbits containing two electrons with opposite quantum mechanical spins. (The quantum mechanical spin of the electron according to BSM is defined by the circling direction of the electron referenced to the proton twisting).

The shown structure of "monoatomic" gold should be quite stable against chemical attacks because the structure is symmetrical.

the electronic bond is stable because it contains paired electrons and it is additionally enforced by the Intrinsic Gravitation forces (appearing as a type of Van der Waals forces).

The stable electronic bond could not supply a free electron, so this type of structure should not be conductive.

In metalic state the elementary atomic structure should assure the known physical properties of the gold metal: a color, molding properties, a temperature and an electrical conductivity.

The BSM analysis unveils a possible existence of stable symmetrical structure comprised of six gold atoms.

Monoatomic Gold in Food

In vegetables, fruits

Monatomic gold contains in familiar food such as vegetable beets.

the color of the soup of representative Russian cuisine Borscht is from this beets also said to be eatable transfusions.

It is rich in phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.

In addition, abundant vitamin A・C, niacin, biotin, dietary fiber is also included abundantly.

It also increases immunity and has effects such as gastrointestinal action, relief from constipation and prevention of anemia.

Vegetables containing monatomic gold are also included in eggplant, red turnip and fruit grape.

It seems to contain a lot in purple food, ingest purple vegetables and your physical condition will also improve.